You're writing the story of your life. Make it a good one.

Here's something I've noticed about myself: If my husband or a good friend asks, "How was your day?" I almost always mention the negative stuff first. Even if I've experienced good things too. 

I consider myself a positive person. But negativity is a powerful force. It screams for attention and if I allow it to take over, one bad thing can wreck my whole day. 

That was the topic of a great conversation I had recently with author Katherine Center. We talked about simple, practical ways to bring more happiness to our days, and ultimately, to the story of our lives. Katherine says, "So much of how you react to anything that happens in your life has to do with the framework that you're using." 

Katherine was the guest of honor at a virtual book club meeting I hosted for my blog readers. From the comfort of our own homes, we discussed her new novel, Happiness for Beginners

See me down there, snapping the picture? What a fun night!

Before the book club began, Katherine and I spent ten minutes talking about happiness. 

We talked about our natural tendency to collect all the negative things and hold on to them. We talked about learning to collect the good things instead. We talked about how life is both—good things and bad things—and how we don't have to solve all the problems to be happy. 

Watch my conversation with Katherine Center.

Remember: You're writing the story of your life. Make it a good one. 

To learn more about Happiness for Beginners and other books by Katherine Center visit

Angie Mizzell

I write about motherhood, writing, redefining success, and living a life that feels like home.

Feeling sad isn't bad.


More good. Less grind.